Leading transformation is about …

shaping transformation
understand and endure emotions, resistance and disruption
enhance creativity and innovation
proactivity, thinking for yourself, anticipating and enduring ambivalence
giving orientation and trust through uncertainty
Find the relevant services for your needs and resources
You are looking for support in leading and shaping change.
I will help you to understand the opportunities and barriers for an effective transformation culture. My strategic consultancy provides a compass for values, goals, procedures for a sustainable transformation strategy with resilience and for the common good across the whole ecosystem.
I would be happy to explain to you in an initial meeting what distinguishes a people-oriented holistic transformation process from the transactional, purely structural change management approaches. I look forward to exchanging ideas with you as a manager about your vision for a successful transformation and what you need to implement it.
As a facilitator, I moderate a team process (like team building, strategy or innovation workshops, transformational processes) using a previously agreed method design. The focus is on the inner process of the individual participants as well as their interaction with one another and in the relationship with the organization. I detect patterns, bias, ambiguous messages or blind spots and make it easier for the group to cope with the resulting needs and tensions. This makes communication, cooperation, proactivity and creativity possible in order to face the changed factors in the process and to strengthen the ability to adapt.
Depending on the size of the team or project, I will align with you in the order clarification process if further facilitators from my network are required to comprehensively support your process.
As a coach, I help in personal, protected one-on-one conversations to unlock your resources on upcoming changes. Needs and motives are distinguished from limiting expectations and biases. Thought patterns are recognized and new experiences are developed. I provide orientation and impulses for creative solutions – for your inner and outer growth with transformational skills.
In an initial consultation free of charge, you will have the opportunity to describe your concerns and your intention. Based on this I will display a potential coaching journey for your development. If you then want a coaching process, we will coordinate the next steps in an order clarification meeting.
Curiosity. Inspiration. Courage for transformation. I share knowledge and stories from my personal and professional experience, my specialist knowledge on the topics of transformation, leadership and self-management, about my travels and intercultural encounters, as well as about my personal attitude towards happiness as an unconditional part of the common good.
Feel invited to explore with me on what to learn in Far Eastern cultures, especially in Bhutan with the Gross National Happiness approach.
You can count on me as an impulse speaker, e.g. for employees- or customer events. Or, based on your briefing, I develop a training concept as a workshop with a lecture and interactive applications on topics coordinated with you from the areas of happiness and special transformation skills, about leadership for wellbeing in the area of “New Work”.
Hiking as pilgrimage for your personal transformation
On a tourist trip you look forward to what you will find at your destination: relaxation, experiences, beautiful views, entertainment, adventures, nature and sun, leisure and sporting activities, distraction from everyday life.
During a hiking tour or a pilgrimage, on the other hand, you stay on the path in the here and now, uncertain but with open mind for what is happening in you or what will come “around the corner”. One is without expectations, sometimes dreaming, then perceiving in full consciousness. The movement process and the inner process of sensations (pleasure or pain), thoughts and new perspectives is more important than what awaits you at the destination of the way.
As an experienced pilgrim on the Way of St. James or Camino de Santiago, I am available as a companion. I give impulses to listen into your body and mind, to develop mindfulness, gratitude and joy for the path as well as to endure pain, resistance and stagnation first in order to accept it and then to convert into something new that would like to come.
In an orientation talk we clarify your intention, location, duration (1-3 days) and scope of the tour. There are pilgrim paths everywhere – also near by you!
Educational trip to Bhutan*
You would like to learn from Far Eastern role models to enrich your leadership skills or for your personal development process, for your commitment? You are interested in the holistic, spiritual values in Bhutan – a country in the Eastern Himalayas, whose government focus on happiness as common good and as a measure for development and growth, instead of purely monetary indicators? My partners in Bhutan and I put together your personal educational travel package for 1 – 15 participants.
We bring you into contact with people in their everyday life and we facilitate the exchange with political, entrepreneurial and spiritual leaders of the country. In connection with the breathtaking nature and the lively, centuries-old Tibetan Buddhist culture, we enable spiritual, meditative experiences and / or encounters with mindfulness practices and value-oriented, holistic leadership practices in education, business, ecology and politics.
Your program will be individually tailored to your personal intentions, your resources and your needs.
*Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Bhutan, as in many regions in Asia and Pacific region, there is currently an entry stop. This will not be lifted before mid of 2021. But a Himalayan trip needs to be planned carefully and for the long term, and our team is in close contact with experts and local partners when it is possible to plan again. Talk to me at any time to understand the current status (as of January 2021).
Focus and skills

“There are three constants in life… change, choice and principles” – Stephen R. Covey
There can be multiple occasions for major changes
- New job, promotion, employer restructuring, job loss
- new technologies and work processes
- new consumer behavior or new needs adapted to a dynamic environment
- Globalization and the coming together of diverse cultures
- Economic or governmental crises, wars, natural disasters and the pandemics
- entry into a new phase of life (e.g. graduation from university, transitions in professional career, retirement)
- new relationships, new family constellations
- relocation
- the loss of a person through death or breakup
The bigger and the more disruptive the change, the more irritation and pressure caused by uncertainty. Similar to the mourning process according to Kuebler-Ross, people go through multiple but similar phases, thresholds and resistances on their transformational journey. As a transformational expert, I will help you and your organization …
- to become aware of your needs and resistances,
- to strengthen the connection to your inner transformation skills and to your environment,
- to learn to let go and accept,
- taking responsibility for the change,
- to give orientation for your transformative development,
- develop criteria and strategies for the implementation of a successful transformation process
- and to tap your resources for a self-reliant new beginning.
“Gross National Happiness is the bridge between the fundamental values of kindness, equality and humanity and the necessary pursuit of economic growth” – Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, 5th King of Bhutan, Himalaya
Which measurement criteria measure holistic growth and inner development? A small kingdom in the Himalayas, Bhutan, has been a role model for sustainability, good leadership and mindful management for around 40 years. His model for the common good, the “Gross National Happiness Index” (GNH Index) became the model for the sustainability goals of the United Nations, for the World Economic Forum or for governments in Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand. A simple 4-pillar model creates orientation for meaningful value creation in balance with nature, with the cultural and social values of its population and for the implementation of democratic values. It is not about “Feel good” – it is more about strengthening resilience against dynamic challenges from outside with an internal value compass geared towards holistic development of wellbeing and growth.
The 4-pillar model of the Gross National Happiness Index is also used in business and companies in- and outside Bhutan. It is suitable for the systematic analysis, promotion and value-creation through employee and stakeholder satisfaction with mindfulness and holistic leadership.
I am particularly connected to the people of this country through numerous trips and deep relationships. Furthermore, I had the great opportunity to complete a masterclass on the creative power of happiness as leadership and transformation competence both at the GNH Center in Bhutan and at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
As a “GNH Practitioner”, I will explain to you in an order clarification meeting how the happiness index, the 4 pillars and the 9 dimensions of an holistic architecture for the common good can measure and promote the wellbeing of your employees and your stakeholders. The stability and added value of your ecosystem are strengthened, and the intrinsic motivation for a creative “flow” in everyday work is exposed.
U-Theory is a procedure to design and manage transformation processes – in family, in companies or in governmental organizations. Otto Scharmer developed the process at MIT for use in organizational development. The procedure in the U-process helps with sensual perception and communication methods (sensing), with reflective inner knowledge processes (presensing) and with iterative, reflective solution impulses (prototyping) to overcome existing patterns and biases to “think from the future” and to create sustainable and holistic innovation.
As a facilitator, I help track down biases, develop an attitude of value-free perception and empathic communication, and strengthen transformation, creativity and proactivity. Head, heart and hand are equally integrated so that new, healthy value creation processes can arise.
Spiral Dynamics© is a theory about the evolution of human world views, attitudes towards life and collective cultures. Don Beck and Chris Cowan had summarized the theory originally researched by Clare W. Graves as a management manual for psychological-cultural processes and organizational development. As for the U-Theory, the Spiral Dynamics© theory also has numerous fields of applications in the treatment of political crisis issues.
Society, economy and politics are in a dynamic change, and this also influences the organizational development in companies. With increasing complexity and dynamism, proven models lose their effectiveness. There is no longer “right” or “wrong” in using a single model. Different levels of development of cultures coexist in a company. The integral 4-quadrant model by Ken Wilber makes it possible, to integrate different development stages according to Spiral Dynamics© and to bring them to use. It is therefore receiving a lot of attention in the “New Work” world as a reference model and development practice, e.g. also for holistic processes in the context of digital transformation.
As a consultant, I help your organization to identify potentials and blind spots from different perspectives and to derive needs, motivations, recommendations for action and goals from them, to give different cultures a voice and to integrate seemingly incompatible points of view in an integral development process.
“So I advised people to use the time constructively to think about what they really, really want in their life.” – Frithjof Bergmann, founder of the New Work movement
Frithjof Bergman, pioneer and thought leader for a future-oriented world of work, conducted a survey among factory workers in the crisis-ridden US automotive sector in the 1970s. He asks what constitutes for them valuable, meaningful work – and the answers can be summarized in a simple formula: “To make a difference” – so this is about transformation!
Globalization and digitization as well as the VUCA reality (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambivalence) challenge economic systems and the social systems and working worlds associated with them. There is no one right system – and everything is constantly changing.
“Work, that we really, REALLY want”: Making a difference, developing innovation and creativity as well as personal development are intrinsic motives that inspire transformation.
In the following components for the development and implementation of New Work, I contribute with my transformation skills as a coach and facilitator:
- Conscious living and working – how important is work in my life?
- Build systematic competencies for a dynamically changing, complex world of work (keyword agility)
- Transformation model for organizations and companies – for a paradigm shift in culture
Management of the human-emotional levels in an organization delimit the tasks of a leader in the transformation from those of a change manager who transactionally designs and leads processes, organization and structures on the objective level.
It’s about
- social skills
- empathic skills
- motivation
- self-regulation of emotions
- self-awareness
As a coach in individual conversations or a facilitator in a team, I help develop transformative leadership skills, for a healthy, holistic change process and for an emphatic, team-minded, intrinsically motivated attitude.
It’s about your transformation
- Leaders
- Managers
- Alle people with need for change
- Companies (corporate, middle- and small size)
- Organisations (NGO’s, associations, foundations etc.)
- Administration & Municipalities
- … as a manager, you intend to develop a collective (team, company, organization, community) in a process of change towards a vital, agile, value-adding and meaningful “we”. There are many reasons for structural change and human centric transformation:
- digital transformation
- generation change
- change of leadership
- corporate mergers
- new business or operating models
- cultural change
- crisis management
You are looking for a competent company with an unbiased view. You are looking for an expert on the human-centric effects, risks and opportunities of changes on the satisfaction and inner attitude of those involved in the process.
- … you personally feel the urge for significant changes or notice that strong changes are affecting you from outside (in your personal sphere, at work or in a larger socio-economic context – for example due to the Covid19 pandemic). You have a concern and would like to feedback, orientation and clarity in a development consultation tailored to your needs.
- … you strive for inspiration, to understand and adapt changes, to apply and design helpful tools and procedures and to find a new “flow” – whether as an individual or as a group.
- … you would like support, mindfulness and orientation on your journey of discovery towards personal change, e.g. in company on your pilgrimage.
- … you oversee change processes as an independent consultant or coach, and are looking for a partnership-based addition within the core competencies I practice (see Focus and skills).