The magic IKEA moment – Day 18

By |2021-06-01T17:22:09+02:00December 18th, 2020|Resilience, Transformation, Transformation and Advent|

The IKEA moment doesn't happen right away. The first steps have been taken, the first sense of achievement appears and the piece of furniture takes shape. I don't expect it anymore, but then there comes a tricky moment: it hangs, is uptight, something is too big or too small. The screw cannot be found. I turn, I push or pull, I loosen and fix it again. Most of the time I have to twist myself unnaturally, screw into an unlit corner.

Rituals vs. patterns – Day 13

By |2020-12-15T18:27:52+01:00December 15th, 2020|Transformation, Transformation and Advent|

The new rules that experts and authorities convey to us in order to fight the pandemic - they cost us to overcome and shake up our everyday lives. But they are also a chance to switch off the inner autopilot every now and then and to experience how we consciously deal with if and why we change habits - and what is creatively recreated from a more alert awareness and a stronger connection with ourselves then.

No Mud, No Lotus – Thich Nhat Hanh – Day 12

By |2021-06-01T17:28:28+02:00December 15th, 2020|Resilience, Transformation, Transformation and Advent|

Wherever there is planing, there are shavings: every productive activity includes moments in which things are not going well or which appear simply unpleasant, annoying, dirty, complicated, threatening. To sweeten these moments with positive thinking ("It'll be fine!") Is just as harmful as denying or degrading "dirty work" out of misunderstood ambition: "I'm efficient, I don't make any chips" - "That's below my capacities, I don't make my hands dirty ".

Different, not right or wrong – Day 5

By |2020-12-06T12:31:26+01:00December 5th, 2020|Transformation, Transformation and Advent, Transformation and Advent, Transformational Leadership|

We grow by applying rules and understanding what the consequences are if we interpret them differently. We do not grow by constantly dealing with our inner critic and making a judgment that it is right or wrong that there is this or that rule.

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