No need to rest – Day 20

Transformation,Transformation and Advent

December 20, 2020

Day 3

So, now it is here, the 4th Advent. The 4th candle is lit, we are as good as done with cleaning the house before Christmas Eve. And the lockdown makes it even easier for us to stay home.

So binge watching on Netflix, prime, TV + today? Yesterday it was about the "flow" of Heraklit: Everything flows - everything is easy, isn't it?

One day before the wind solstice, in the darkest time of the year, nothing is more important than bringing a little lightness into everyday life.

Yes, but not on the coach in front of the TV, tablet or laptop screen (like me, where I am writing this blog entry).

Oh no, please don’t go back to the comfort zone! It's pretty worn out. But sorry, yes, let's talk once more about the comfort zone!

When do I feel like I'm in the "flow"? For me personally, this actually comes from contact with water: I get a lot of good ideas in the shower or while swimming. But I also have good thoughts and ideas while driving, on the train or on the plane. And ... while hiking. What do all these examples have in common: My senses are in motion. And I'm in action. I do not let myself be sprinkled, I am not passive, but with every movement, with every thought I develop myself, I progress. I am then the subject, not the object. I am in my self-confidence, and with every thought, with every step I make a decision, I act for myself, in my own responsibility. And yes, even if it sounds worn out, but then I'm not in my comfort zone, but in the zone in which I develop myself further with new experiences, thoughts and ideas. Just like in sports.

Being in the flow is exactly the opposite of: Everything is easy!

Heraclitus' statement "Everything flows" refers rather to the phenomenon of life as a process. I can put on the coach in this life and let it pass me by. Life happens anyway, it is constantly becoming. If I constantly dissect and evaluate it with all its contradictions, opinions, feelings and fears, then I perish, then I burn out: I am an object that leaves the power over its life to the evaluation and the actions of others. If I sit on the sofa and let it pass me passively - I am lifeless, I die, like a flower that wilts prematurely because it does not get enough water. And again, I'm just an object.

On the other hand, when I get up from the sofa and move, energy is created. The energy shows up sometimes more, sometimes less - I feel muscle pain, I might also get short of breath. When it rains I get wet and when I wear the wrong clothes I freeze. But with these feelings with all my senses I feel: I am alive! That is the nice feeling of being in the flow: to feel your energies. And energy is not just about fun, joy or other positive aspects. It is full life, in all its complexity of happiness and pain, joy and sadness, courage and fear.

On the other hand, when I get up from the sofa and move, energy is created. The energy shows up sometimes more, sometimes less - I feel muscle pain, I may also get short of breath. When it rains I get wet and when I wear the wrong clothes I freeze. But with these feelings with all my senses I feel: I am alive! That is the nice feeling of being in the flow: to feel your energies. And energy is not just fun or the next kick. It is full life, in all its complexity of happiness and pain, joy and sadness, courage and fear, devotion and suffering.

And part of my full life is also enjoying Netflix series - I am currently watching a French series in the original version - while also refreshing my rusty French skills. No, comfort zone is not for me ...